OBD2 AC Tools for BMW that includes:- AC module control reset- AC Blower OFF- AC Blower ON with different speeds ( 20, 50, 80 and 100)- AC refregirant ON/OFF- Radiator Fan ON/OFF- Steering Angle Reset- Clear Trouble Codes- Battery Change- Brake Bleeding Fix- Brake Initial Startup- Brake Replacement- Brake Service Reset- DPF Regeneration Of Diesel Particulate Filter- Injector Adjustment- OIL Reset- Throttle Sensor Reset- TPMS RESETNote: - Clearing Check Engine light is supported on all BMW models- Models up to 2017 are supported- Models: E23, E24, E28, E30, E31, E32, E34, E36, E38, E39, E46, E52, E53, E60/E61, E63/E64, E65/E66/E68, E70, E71, E72, E81/E82/E87/E88, E85/E86, E83, E84,E89, E90/E91/E92/E93, F01/F02/F03/F04, F07, F06/F12/F13, F10/F11/F18,F15/F85, F16/F86, F20/F21, F22/F23,F25, F26, F30/F31/F34/F35,F32/F33/F36, F45, F55/F56, F80, F82/F83, R50/R52/R53, R55/R56/R57/R58/R59/R60/R61,I01/I12.